Linux articles - Physics IT Support Help Pages

Introduction to the Ubuntu desktop
Getting started with the Unity interface for Ubuntu
Access Central Physics files from Linux
Access to Windows H drive from the Linux GUI
Adding Printers in Linux
How to connect to a Sharp printer from a Linux computer
Basic configuration of Exceed and puTTY
Graphical display from Linux to Windows - Configuring Exceed to run as an Xserver on a windows machine
Central Linux Home directories
Central Linux Home directories
Central Linux terminal servers / interactive machines
Connecting the the Central Linux infrastructure
Connecting to PP Interactive Servers
Connecting to PP Interactive Servers
Connecting to the Wireless in Physics using Ubuntu
This page details how to connect to Physics_S using Ubuntu
External access to files within physics
How to access files on the physics shared storage systems from outside the department
Intel Compiler Set-Up in AOPP
Intel compiler set-up in AOPP
Intel Compilers
Intel FORTRAN and C++ compilers, including Intel Math Kernel Library.
Intel Compilers from University Servers Installation Instructions
Intel Compilers from University Servers Installation Instructions
laptops and network software
How to enable the network software on laptops
Legacy Particle Physics Linux Batch Farm
Linux Network Software
How to activate software installed on networked locations
Summary of the Linux desktops infrastructure
Managing Data Files
How to manage files and directories in data areas
multirun - running serial programs in parallel on the astro or theory HPC clusters
Information on using the multirun program to run serial programs on HPC systems
Obtaining kits on a Linux system
Instructions for obtaining kits from the local kits server on a Linux system.
Particle Physics Linux Systems
Go-to page for PPUnix queries
Particle Physics Linux Systems Background
The current strategy in Particle Physics is to use commodity priced systems running Microsoft Windows for the desktop. These provide all the usual applications, MS Office, Email, etc and access to Particle Physics Unix servers via X Windows (Exceed)
Particle Physics Unix personal web space
Web pages hosted by the unix systems
Physics SSH Access
Connecting to a Linux/macOS computer inside the department via an SSH gateway
Power saving
Minimizing the Power Consumption of IT Equipment
PPUnix - Best Practice
Best Practice for Using Particle Physics Interactive Nodes
Frequently Asked Questions about the Particle Physics Unix systems
PPUnix remote access
Remote access to the ppunix cluster
Scientific data analysis and visualisation.
A remote desktop client for Linux
Recommend software and hardware for Ubuntu
Basic software and hardware recommendations for Ubuntu Linux
Remote log-in to central Linux machines
How to log in to from one central linux machine to another
Running long jobs while away from your Centrally Managed Ubuntu desktop
Running long jobs while away from your r Centrally Managed Ubuntu (or other Linux) desktop
Self Service
Easy installation of software.
Self Service On Linux
Self service on Ubuntu systems
Software on the Particle Physics Linux Cluster
How to use software available from the Particle Linux systems
Storing files on desktops in AOPP
Storing files on desktops in AOPP
Theoretical Physics Linux Desktop System
An overview of the Theory Linux Desktop Systems
Thunderbird mail on Linux
Thunderbird mail on Linux
VPN access on Linux
Access to the department via VPN on Linux
Windows on Linux
Windows on Linux

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