About your Oxford University Single Sign On (SSO)

For most IT services in the Physics department you need to use your Physics network account details but services run by Oxford IT services require a different account which is known as your Oxford username or Single Sign-On (SSO). Everyone who has a University card has an SSO account even if they've never used or requested it. The SSO uses MFA for additional security.

Services requiring your SSO account include

  • The nexus email service
  • The nexus SharePoint service
  • Canvas
  • The Booking of training courses
  • Oracle Student system
  • The maillist service

If you have forgotten your SSO account name you can find it out by using your Physics Network account to login to our database..

If you have forgotten your SSO password or it has expired then please see here. If having read this you find you need a rescue code that can be obtained via the IT Services Help Desk or send email to itsupport AT physics.ox.ac.uk.

Very few webpages actually ask for your SSO credentials. Most that need them will re-direct to a web page starting with:

The other exception is:

Physics password resets at https://www3.physics.ox.ac.uk/apps/it/passwordreset

If you are asked for your user name and password for ANY address other than the above three, please check with IT support.

Categories: Help for New Users