Migration of Physics Email to Nexus

The IT review reported in late 2014 and concluded that a number of changes should be made regarding Physics email. To this end, the Physics email server will be run down in favour of the equivalent campus system, NEXUS.

We waited for nexus to migrate to Office 365 (a cloud based service) as the quotas and storage limitations on the original Nexus service would have made its use impractical for our long standing users. The new service, Nexus 365, is now operational and the migration for Physics users took place during March/April 2018.

Before attempting to configure an email client for your mailbox, please read the FAQ's below, particularly the ones called 'What username must I use to access Nexus 365' and 'What Email address should I use when configuring Email clients'.

Where can I get help on the Nexus 365 service and learn how to configure my email clients?

IT services provide help for Nexus 365 here. This includes information on how to setup common email clients on desktops and mobile devices (see under `Getting started`).

What do I need to do to get Outlook working again On MS Windows

Please see this help page.

What username must I use to access Nexus 365?

When specifying credentials for logging into nexus 365 please use the form abcd1234@OX.AC.UK where abcd1234 is your campus SSO username. Please also note that that the username is always lowercase but there are places where it is important that the OX.AC.UK is uppercase.

How can I find out my campus SSO and password?

You can find out your SSO by logging into the `Personal Details` website using your physics network username and password. Your SSO is displayed under the `Work details` section. If you have forgotten the password for your SSO, you may be able to reset via this IT services webpage. If you dont have the information needed for this, please email ITsupport who will be able to send you a rescue code.

What's the simplest way to get to my email (How do I connect with a web browser)?

Accessing email using a web browser is the simplest solution as it requires no setup. There is help on this on the IT services website and some short cut links available in the right hand pane of this web page. Go straight to Nexus 365 web mail.

What Email address should I use when configuring Email clients ?

Some email clients ask for your email address just to set your reply address. However, other clients (particularly Outlook (for both Windows and Mac) and Apple mail) use this email address in order to find your mail server and then setup your configuration automatically. This is the process known as autodiscovery.

specify the email address as joe.bloggs@physics.ox.ac.uk

Can I use the IT services self-Registration pages to setup my mailbox as I did with nexus?

IT services are working on adapting the self-registration web pages to work in a similar way with Nexus 365. However, at the time of the Physics migration, changes will need to be made by request to IT Service Help

How do I change between using my physics department and college email addresses ?

Nexus doesn't support a user having multiple sender/reply addresses very well. There will be a way to change it via the self-registration pages and that may be ok for very occasional emails but not if you are switching between sender address on a regular basis. Please note that IT services are still working on upgrading the Self-Registration system to work with Nexus 365.

The nexus FAQ suggests use of an IMAP client to deal with this situation as such clients use an outgoing SMTP connection and this allows you to set up alternative email addresses. When setting up an SMTP connections, please use smtp.ox.ac.uk, port 587, enable TLS and login with your campus SSO and plaintext password.

E-mail using IMAP with text-based clients with Nexus 365

Please see this help page.

Whats's happening with SPAM and Junk Email?

Nexus 365 has its own anti-spam system will no longer pass through the Physics department's `Quarantine` system. On Nexus 365 you will see spam being placed in the Junk Email folder. Please check this carefully, especially in the early days in case the system misidentifies important emails.

How can I adjust the SPAM settings on my Nexus 365 mailbox?

This can be done by opening your mailbox in a web browser. Once logged in, open the `Settings` option by clicking the gear wheel in the top right hand corner. Near the bottom you'll see `Your App Settings`, select `Mail` and the left hand column changes to display mail related settings. The settings related to Junk Email are under `Accounts` then `Block and Allow`.

Why are some of my Inbox rules missing ?

The most likely reason for this is that one or more of your rules contain references to people or groups who appear in the physics directory but not in nexus. This may be because people have left in which case simply recreate the rule without that person. In the case of groups, Nexus does not really support the creation of the kind of groups we have on the Physics server but there are usually ways to specify a rule to use an explicit SMTP address for the group which will achieve the same thing.

How can I use an old email address?

Generally, Nexus only supports the use of one email address (usually your departmental or your college address) but there may well be situations where you need to use your old email address to, for example, send a change request to an email subscription service or to confirm a verification request that was sent to your old address. We have provided a web application which will allow you to send simple emails from your old addresses. Other options include use of IMAP clients.

My personal groups are missing

If you have created personal groups in your Contacts folder you will find that these have not been migrated across to Nexus. Microsoft do not support such a migration for a number of technical reasons. There is no real alternative to recreating these personal groups, using the original membership as a guide.

Categories: Email | Nexus | Nexus365