Policy articles - Physics IT Support Help Pages

CCTV in Lecture Theatres and Meeting Rooms
CCTV Policy in teaching spaces
CCTV Policy
CCTV Policy in IT areas
Computing Committee membership
List of Computing Committee members who are responsible for developing the IT strategy for the department.
Computing Etiquette In Theoretical Physics
Etiquette for computer use and running jobs in Theoretical Physics
Conditions for Self Management of a Astrophysics Desktop System
A description of the conditions for self management of a Desktop system in Astrophysics
Content guidelines
How pages on this website should be written, in terms of tense and voice
IT Strategy Statement
Physics Department IT Policies and Strategy statement also with details of the Computing Committee membership
Password policy
The physics department's password policy
Rules for computer use
Covering the departmental rules and policies for computing and what would be considered as computer misuse.
Self-Administered Desktop Systems in Theoretical Physics
A description of the procedure for Self-Administering a system in Theoretical Physics
Service Level Description (SLD) for Physics IT Support
A definition of what we will aim to provide to the department as 'central' IT support.
Theoretical Physics Computing Rules of Use
Rules when using Theoretical Physics systems
Windows Security and the Physics Network Policy statement
Windows Security and the Physics Network Policy statement for the department

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Astrophysics (1) cctv (2) Computing (5) Network (1) Password (1) Security (1) Strategy (5) Theory (3) Web (1)