Theoretical Physics IT support staff

In general, support queries for everything except newhydra should be directed to
This (very) quick guide can help you make more effective and efficient requests, please have a look.
Please only contact IT support staff directly by email on matters not relating to IT support.

Theoretical Physics IT support is based in room 122 in the Clarendon Laboratory. You will usually but not exclusively deal with the following members of IT support:

Russell Jones

Linux and general IT support
Based in room 660 in the DWB, usually in the Lueck discussion area during coffee time Mon, Weds, Fri

Jonathan Patterson

Cluster Manager
Based in room ? DWB

Richard Smith

Apple support
Based in room 667 DWB

Peter Shrimpton

Windows Desktop and Media support
Based in room 122 in the Clarendon Laboratory

Policy and decision making

The head of the subdepartment (currently Andre Lukas) is ultimately responsible for computing in Theoretical Physics.

Computing policy across the whole of the Physics Department is delegated by the Head of Department to the Standing Committee on Physics Computing. Our representative on that panel is currently John Magorrian; you may find it useful to contact him if you want some input there.

Within Theory itself, the head of subdepartment is usually advised by a Computing Committee that meets once per term. In addition to the head of subdepartment and the computing support staff, each academic group nominates members to sit on this panel.

Categories: Theory