Obtaining Kits on a Windows System

Instructions for a Windows System.

To access copies of software distribution kits on our local server from a Windows system you may do the following.

Click on Start

Click on Run

Type in: \\LOCALKITS.physics.ox.ac.uk\OxKits_xxxxxxx\

( where xxxxxxx is the name of the package you want e.g. "MATLAB" )

You will then be prompted for your Physics Windows network authentication details:

Username: physics\yourusername

Password: yourpassword

You will then see the MATLAB kits.

Select the kit you require and copy the complete kit into a local (temporary work) folder on a local disk on your Windows system.

If you cannot find what you require on LOCALKITS look on the old kits server CSXP12 as some packages may not yet have been transferred.

Further information on licensing, etc for individual packages is available.

Categories: Windows