Adding IPP Printer

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Public printers in the Physics Department are set up via print servers. To allow users to print from their own devices on eduroam and other BYOD networks we have setup a Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) print service on

Find IPP Printer details

How to add Windows IPP Printer

  1. Download the appropriate printer driver and unpack
  2. Open Settings and select Devices
  3. Select Printers & scanners
  4. Select Add a printer or scanner
  5. Scroll down the list of any available printers and select The printer that I want isn't listed
  6. Click on Select a shared printer by name and enter the printer's Network Name i.e.
  7. Add the printer driver if requested Select the printer driver i.e SHARP MX-2640N PCL6 or Click on Have Disk button
    • In the Install from disk Windows click on Browse button.
    • In the find window browse to where the driver has been unpacked locate and select the inf file there should only be one inf file for example ss0emenu.inf.
    • Select the inf file and click on Open button
    • Back in the Install from disk Windows click on OK button.
    • Select printer driver
    • Click OK

    Alternatively select Generic Text only.

  8. Click Next
  9. Optionally click Print a test page button to print a test page
  10. Click Finish button to close window

If you have had an error when adding printers in the past and have not been able to add any network printers or get a error 0xc000000d when adding a IPP printer remove the Sharp queue(s) and driver(s)already installed. You may be requested to enter Administrator credentials.

Remove existing drivers

  1. Press the Windows and R key's or right click on the start menu and select Run.
  2. In the dialogue box enter printui.exe /s /t2 and click OK
  3. Administrator credentials if requested i.e. .\LocalAdmin
  4. Select the Sharp drivers and Click Remove
  5. Click OK or Cancel to close the windows

RPC authentication error

With a privileged account i.e. .\LocalAdmin open Registry Editor

  1. Windows 10.
    • Navigate path to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print
    • Add or modify the DWord value RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled set to 0
  2. Windows 11.
    • Navigate keyname path to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers\RPC
    • Add or modify the DWord value RpcAuthentication set to 2
    • Add or modify the DWord value RpcUseNamedPipeProtocol set to 1

How to add Linux IPP Printer

Open a console

  1. Download the appropriate PPD file and unpack, copy the ppd file to /usr/share/cups/model. example In the console sudo cp SU3J.PPD /usr/share/cups/model/su3j.ppd
  2. Add the printer using lpadmin -p -E -v "Printer Queue" -m "PPD file". example sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p CLSharp171 -E -v ipps:// -m su3j.ppd
  3. Add any options installed on the printer this can be done via GUI, by opening settings and navigate to Printers. Alternatively by the console sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p "Printer Name" -o "PPD options". example sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p CLSharp171 -o Option1=Finisher -o OutputBin=Option4 This adds the finisher and sets the output to finisher upper tray.

List printer options lpoptions -p "Printer Queue" -l will list all options. example lpoptions -p CLSharp171 -l
Also you may need to check ppd file for appropriate options example cat su3j.ppd | grep -i "OutputBin Output"

How to add MacOS IPP Printer

Use Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) - more guide to follow


Download the drivers and unpack in a suitable location.

Printer Driver Windows PPD Installed options
AOPPSharp003 MX-2610N MX_D25 ss1j 4 input bins finisher
AoppSharp305 MX-2640N MX_D25 ss6j 4 input bins finisher
AoppSharpHooke MX-3061 SH_D14 su2j1 4 input bins inner finisher
AOPPSHARPL2 BP-60C31 SH_D23 su2jg 4 input bins inner finisher
BCSharpL1 MX-3061S SH_D20 su2j1 4 input bins finisher
BCSharpL2 MX-3061S SH_D20 su2j1 4 input bins inner finisher
BCSharpL3 MX-3061S SH_D20 su2j1 4 input bins inner finisher
BCSharpL4 MX-3061S SH_D20 su2j1 4 input bins inner finisher
CLSharp033 MX-3061 SH_D14 su2j1 4 input bins inner finisher
CLSharp156 BP-70C45 SH_D23 su2jg 4 input bins finisher
CLSharp171 MX-6580N MX_D54 su3j finisher
CLSharp244 MX-3060N MX_D54 su0j 4 input bins inner finisher
CLSharp371 MX-3061 SH_D14 su2j1 4 input bins inner finisher
CLSharpMail MX-3060N MX_D54 su0j 4 input bins inner finisher
DWBSharpL1 MX-2640N MX_D25 ss6j 4 input bins inner finisher
DWBSharpL2 BP-60C31 SH_D23 su2jg 4 input bins inner finisher
DWBSharpL4 MX-3060N MX_D54 su0j 4 input bins inner finisher
DWBSharpL5 MX-5141N MX_D25 ss8j 4 input bins inner finisher
DWBSharpL6 MX-6580N MX_D54 su3j finisher
DWBSharpL7 MX-4071 SH_D14 su2j5 4 input bins inner finisher
DWBSharp221 BP-60C31 SH_D23 su2jg 4 input bins inner finisher
HookeSharpG20 MX-3060N MX_D54 su0j 4 input bins inner finisher
HookeSharpS49 MX-C312 MX_C28 sn5j 4 input bins inner finisher
SharpHold MX-6240N MX_D36 sp2j finisher

Categories: Laptops | Printing | Windows