External access to files within physics

When outside Physics you can access any of the files in your home directory using SFTP/SCP.

The SFTP protocol provides similar functionality to FTP but is secure as information is encrypted. SCP is a secure copy protocol and has a command line syntax similar to `copy` commands. The services are accessed via the Windows front end server (winssh1) e.g. from a command line prompt on Linux (or any other OS with command line clients)

scp username@winssh1.physics.ox.ac.uk:subfolder/filename localfile

Replace username with the name of your Physics networking account. If your username on the Physics network system is the same as the username on the machine on which you are running the scp client you will usually be able to default it e.g.

scp winssh1.physics.ox.ac.uk:subfolder/filename localfile

You'll be prompted for a password. The starting folder when you login is your Windows home folder (H:). Please contact IT Support if you need access to other folders.

Note that to access a file in your home folder you should simply specify

scp winssh1.physics.ox.ac.uk:filename localfile

By using the recursive option ( e.g. -r or --recursive ) you can copy whole directory trees with a single command.
You can access any file to which you have access on the Physics network by specifying the full pathname e.g.


to access a file in a folder in your personal Web pages.



to access a certain version of kit xxxxx for a specific platform on the local kits server.

Categories: Linux | Remote Access | Unix | home directories