Video and Audio Conferences

Departmental Facilities for Professional Video Conferencing

Detailed Instructions for each room, including the Zoom Room details, are available below by clicking on the room name.

  • Physics Video Conferencing Room located on level 5 of the Denys Wilkinson Building.
    • multi-way HD conferencing with up to 3 sites
    • dual 65" screens
    • 55" touch screen
    • data sharing from desktop PC or user's laptop
    • hearing loop.
    • special cushioned room for optimal audio and video, suitable for broadcast quality delivery of talks
    • integrated support for Zoom
    • support for Teams, Webex and BlueJeans via room PC
  • Barnett Room located on 2nd floor of AOPP.
    • multi-way HD conferencing with up to 3 sites
    • dual cameras
    • dual 85"screens
    • 85" interactive whiteboard
    • data sharing from desktop PC or user's laptop
    • support for Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans, Teams via room PC
  • Mendelsohn Room located on ground floor of the Martin Wood Building.
    • HD conferencing (multiway-possible using Zoom)
    • Dual 65" screens
    • data sharing from desktop PC or user's laptop
    • Integrated support for Zoom,
    • Support for Teams, Webex, and Bluejeans via PC in room
  • Mulvey Room located on level 6 of the Denys Wilkinson Building.
    • HD conferencing (multiway-possible using Zoom)
    • 2 screens,
    • data sharing from desktop PC or user's laptop.
    • Integrated support for Zoom,
    • support for Teams, Webex, and BlueJeans via PC in room
  • MW Conference Office located in MW6 on the first floor of the Martin Wood Building.
    • HD conferencing (multiway-possible using Zoom)
    • 2 65" screens
    • PC
    • data sharing from user's laptop.
    • support for Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans
    • support for Teams (via PC in Room)
  • Seminar Room located on level 5 of the Denys Wilkinson Building.
    • HD conferencing (Multiway via Zoom) with dual cameras
    • Projector
    • 65" screen
    • data sharing from user's laptop
    • PC
    • Radio Microphones
    • Ceiling microphone
    • support for Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans
  • Robert Hooke Meeting Room located on 1st floor of the Robert Hooke Building.
    • HD conferencing (Multiway via Zoom) with dual cameras
    • dual 85" screens at front
    • 65" screen at rear
    • data sharing from user's laptop.
    • Hearing Loop.
    • integrated support for Zoom
    • Support for Teams, Bluejeans and webex via PC in Room
  • Harmoni Room (restricted access) located on level 3 of the Denys Wilkinson Building.
    • multi-way HD conferencing with up to 4 sites + phone
    • 65"screen
    • projector
    • data sharing from user's laptop.
    • support for Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans
  • JAI Meeting Room (restricted access) located on level 6 of the Denys Wilkinson Building.
    • multi-way HD conferencing with up to 4 sites + phone
    • 2 65"screens
    • data sharing from desktop PC or user's laptop.
    • support for Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans, Skype
  • Simpkins Lee Room
    • multi-way HD conferencing with up to 4 sites
    • 75" screen
    • Data Projector
    • data sharing from desktop PC or user's laptop.
    • support for Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans
  • Jack Paton Room
    • HD conferencing (Multiway via Zoom)
    • 65" screen
    • Data Projector
    • data sharing from user's laptop.
    • support for Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans,
    • support for Teams via PC in room
  • Conference Room located on level 5 of the Denys Wilkinson Building
    • HD conferencing (multiway-possible using Zoom) with dual cameras
    • 85'' screen
    • 60'' screen
    • PC
    • data sharing from user's laptop.
    • support for Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans
    • support for Teams via PC in room
  • MW Lecture Theatre ** Requires technical support and must be booked in advance.
    • multi-way HD conferencing with up to 4 sites
    • 3 Data Projectors
    • data sharing from desktop PC or user's laptop.
    • support for Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans
  • BIPAC SeminarRoom
    • HD conferencing (Multiway via Zoom)
    • Data Projector
    • PC
    • data sharing from user's laptop.
    • support for Zoom, Webex, BlueJeans,
    • support for Teams via PC in room

Physics Staff can book the above facilities following the instructions on the Room Bookings Page.

Other Departmental Rooms with some Video Conferencing Capability

The following rooms also include full video conference facilities

  • Denis Sciama Theatre located on level 5 of the Denys Wilkinson Building.
  • Audrey Wood Seminar Room located on 1st floor of the Martin Wood Building
  • Fisher Room located on level 5 of the Denys Wilkinson Building.

    All of these rooms support standard resolution video conferences using Zoom, CERN Vidyo, WebEx and Skype

Zoom Video Conferencing

All of the above rooms support Zoom and have Zoom host licenses. If you are holding a meeting in one of the rooms, you can invite (up to 300!) people to join you remotely. They will be able to connect from any computer with a web browser, from an ordinary phone, from a smartphone (using a downloaded app) or from a professional video conference system. Instructions and sample invites for each room can be found in the rooms and also under the Video Conference Facilities page.

If you want to host Zoom conference from your own office or from home there are 3 options:

  • You can have your own professional license. This will give you all the features listed above. The cost is £72 + VAT per year. (The license year goes from Feburary to February - so licenses bought now will expire next February after which they will normally to renewed for a further year). To obtain a professional license: please e-mail stating which budget the license should be charge to.
  • You can have a free personal license. This will allow you unlimited one to one conferences but multiway conferences are limited to 45 minutes (although you can start a new one once the 45 minutes are up). People will be able to phone into your conference from an ordinary phone but not from a professional video conference system. To obtain a license please e-mail itsupport@physics
  • For one off conferences, we can schedule a meeting for you using a central account. To do this, please e-mail at least 24 hours in advance with the following information: Title of meeting, start date and time, durantion.


We have a Zoom webinar license allowing us to host webinars with up to 1000 participants. Webinars are suitable for delivering publicly advertised lectures. To schedule a webinar, please e-mail


Skype is available in most rooms. However, we recommed using Zoom instead. It allows more connections, is more flexible and the audio quality is usually much better than Skype.

Departmental Facilities for Audio Conferences

Multi-way conferences can be organized in 2 different ways:

  • From your office telephone (provided that you have a personal phone that is unbarred):
    Arrange the call by loging in to Chorus
  • Using Zoom from one of the rooms listed above. See instructions for the room. Each participant will be able to dial in from their phone - there are local access numbers in most countries, so the cost is generally low
  • If you have a personal Zoom account , you can arrange a meeting using this

Conference Phones (Speaker Phones for Group Meetings)

A conference phone (advanced speaker phone) can be borrowed from Media Services.

Categories: Video conferencing