VPN Access in macOS

macOS Fortigate VPN

The Fortinet client is available to download from the physics self service app. Once installed the configuration details can be found here.

All devices connecting to the Physics network this way MUST be running a supported version of macOS and have all application and operating system updates applied, running a Firewall, running Antivirus Software - with up to date virus definitions and running Spyware detection.
The terms and conditions specified in the Department of Physics Rules for Computer Use apply.

Instructions for setting up Fortigate VPN for Mac systems - OLD INSTRUCTIONS

Open System Preferences from the apple menu, for macOS Ventura open System Settings.

Then click on Network.
system preferences_0.png
For macOS Ventura click on VPN.

For macOS Monterey there is a plus (+) button, click on this button

Drop down box will be prompted, drop down and click on VPN.

Set VPN Type to 'Cisco IPSec' and name your service name to: Physics Fortigate VPN. Once done click on the Create button.

For macOS Ventura a cisco IPSec window will appear

Enter the Server Address: vpn4.physics.ox.ac.uk

Enter the Account Name: physics\

Followed by your Physics Password.

For macOS Monterey click on the 'Authentication Settings...' button and the Shared Secret is 'neutrino' .
For macOS Ventura in the Authentication section the 'Shared Secret" is also 'neutrino' .
Click OK.

Finally click on Connect and then Apply. You may also click on the (Show VPN status in the menu bar) to check your VPN connect. The Status of your VPN now should be connected.


For macOS Ventura toggle the slider on the vpn and this will connect you to the VPN.

Categories: Apple | Astrophysics | Mac | Remote Access | Theory | VPN