Video tutorials for using the Physics Intranet web-site

It is recommended that you look at the following resources to supplement the material on this page:

Click below to access one of our video tutorials on how to edit content on the Physics website using the Drupal content management system.

01. How to log in to the website

02. How to edit/create a page

03. Basic text formatting (headings)

04. Hyper-linking to other pages

05. Adding images

On upgraded version of the website some steps of uploading images have changed. Please see Images section on this page for up-to-date information.

06. Adding a list

07. How to use collapsing sections

08. File attachments and uploading documents

On upgraded version of the website some steps of uploading attachments have changed. Please see Attachments section on this page for up-to-date information.

Categories: Web