
The demonstrations in Accelerate! are mostly staples of science outreach, and not unduly hazardous. However, there are risks to be aware of when putting on the show. In particular, the very hot (exploding a hydrogen balloon or burning wire wool), very cold (liquid nitrogen and dry ice, and the associated risk of oxygen displacement) and high-voltage (the Van de Graaff generator) are likely to need careful thought.

The demonstrations do each have some safety information noted, but it’s vital that you carry out your own comprehensive risk assessment before doing any of these demonstrations or putting on the show. Your local circumstances and regulations will differ, and may change over time. Get in touch with your local safety office if you need further advice.

PLEASE NOTE that while the University has endeavoured to use reasonable care in generating the Accelerate! resources, its liability for any content (or the use made of it) is necessarily limited. The resources do not contain details of every possible consideration and may be affected by circumstances that could not have been anticipated or taken into account in generating them. Accordingly, the University cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage arising from any use of, or reliance you may place on, these resources.