Alumni category
'Quantum - from Schroedinger’s Science to New Technology' Public Lecture by Prof Sir Peter Knight FRS
Quantum - from Schroedinger’s Science to New Technology
Professor Sir Peter Knight FRS
[Imperial College, NPL and Kavli Institute]
14 August 2015
Prof James Binney, FRS awarded the Occhialini medal and prize for 2015
The Department of Physics is delighted to announce that Prof James Binney, FRS has been awarded the Occhialini medal and prize for 2015. The citation for James' award reads, "For his work on galaxy dynamics, in particular for developing an understanding of how galaxies exchange gas with the intergalactic medium and how this exchange controls the evolution of galaxy morphology."
'Building Interstellar's Black Hole', Special Lecture by Oliver James.
'Building Interstellar's Black Hole', Special Lecture by Oliver James.
Oliver James is the Chief Scientist at Double Negative and an Oxford Physics Alumnus.
13 November 2015 - 5 pm - Martin Wood Lecture Theatre (Department of Physics)
Physics Alumni Reception
Physics Alumni Reception in London
A chance to informally meet and chat with fellow physics alumni and current members of the Department, in a beautiful setting on the Southbank, London.
Event starts at 18:00 and finishes at 21:00 hours.
Alumni Saturday Morning of Theoretical Physics: Einstein's General Theory of Relativity a Century On
The morning, hosted by members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, consists of three talks pitched to explain an area of our research to an audience familiar with physics at about the second-year undergraduate level and is open to all Oxford Alumni.
1 July 2015
Prof Chris Lintott awarded the IoP 2015 Kelvin Medal and Prize
Prof Chris Lintott has been awarded the Institute of Physics 2015 Kelvin Medal and Prize "For his major contributions to public engagement with science through conventional media (especially through television) and by leading citizen science projects through Zooniverse, opening a new chapter in the history of science by enabling hundreds of thousands of people to participate in the process of scientific discovery."
1 July 2015
Prof Amanda Cooper-Sarkar awarded the IoP 2015 Chadwick Medal and Prize
Professor Amanda Cooper-Sarkar has been awarded the Institute of Physics 2015 Chadwick Medal and Prize "For her study of deep inelastic scattering of leptons on nuclei which has revealed the internal structure of the proton."
Further details can be found here
28 May 2015
Podcast of 55th Cherwell-Simon Lecture now online
The video-recording of the 55th Cherwell-Simon lecture on Topological Boundary Modes from Quantum Electronics to Classical Mechanics, delivered by Prof Charles Kane (University of Pennsylvania) on 15 May 2015 is now available
28 May 2015
LHC Run 2 collisions seen by ATLAS
Congratulations to all of the ATLAS Oxford team involved in detecting, triggering, recording, and reconstructing the first collision events seen at the record-breaking energy of 13 TeV!
See more examples at the ATLAS Event Display web page.