Professor Andrea Ghez
Professor Andrea Ghez, UCLA
Our Galactic Center: A Unique Laboratory for the Physics & Astrophysics of Black Holes
Physics Colloquia: The hydrodynamic black hole
All are welcome to this colloquium delivered by Dr Silke Weinfurtner, Royal Society University Research Fellow, Faculty of Science, University of Nottingham
12 April 2019
British Instruments Reveal Secrets of Martian Sky
The first results from the ExoMars mission supported by the UK Space Agency reveal the effects of a massive, global dust storm on the Red Planet.
British instruments reveal secrets of martian sky
Over the last year the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) spacecraft followed the onset of the storm and monitored how the increase in dust affected the water vapour in the atmosphere - important for understanding the history of water on Mars.
Organic Semiconductors: From a lab curiosity to highly efficient devices
Prof Karl Leo, Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonics (IAPP),
Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Niamh Coll
60th Cherwell Simon Memorial Lecture: “The XENON project: at the forefront of Dark Matter Direct Detection”
Professor Elena Aprile, Department of Physics
Columbia University, New York
“The XENON project: at the forefront of Dark Matter Direct Detection”
Registration essential via:
Password: Physics2019
Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect and New Progress
Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect and New Progress
Professor Qi-Kun Xue
Tsinghua University & Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences, Beijing 100084, China
MaNGA Public Lecture
Professor Karen Masters, Haverford College, PA, USA
I will talk about state-of-the art maps of the Universe, such as those produced by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which have revealed the complexity of structures on many scales found in our Universe. I will also talk about the development of these maps, and how our knowledge of the basic structure of the Universe, along with our place in it has changed so dramatically in the last several hundred years.
Leanne O'Donnell
Tel: 01865 613 973
The 18th Hintze Lecture: Professor Jacqueline van Gorkom
Professor Jacqueline van Gorkom, Department of Astronomy, Columbia University
The Role of Gas in Galaxy Evolution
Wednesday 22nd May 2019 at 17:00 (to be seated by 16:50)
Lara Maisey, and Leanne O'Donnell,
15 January 2019
Congratulations to Sir Alex Halliday who has been knighted for services to Science and Innovation
Congratulations to Sir Alex Halliday who has been knighted for services to Science and Innovation in the New Year's Honours list for 2019.
Alexander Halliday FRS, Visiting Professor of Geochemistry at the Department of Earth Sciences and recently Head of Oxford’s Mathematical Physical and Life Sciences Division, is knighted for services to science and innovation.
To see the full list please click here
15 January 2019
Galaxy Zoo wins the RAS Group Achievement Award
The Royal Astronomical Society has given the Galaxy Zoo team – including the volunteers who have made the project the success it is – their Group Achievement Award for 2019.
Citation for the 2019 RAS Group Achievement Award: