Alumni category
6 April 2017
Congratulations Luke Ceurvorst
Congratulations to Luke Ceurvorst who recently won the best poster prize at the 44th IoP Plasma Physics Conference on channelling results from OMEGA EP.
4 April 2017
Congratulations Subir Sarkar!
Many congratulations to Subir Sarkar who has been awarded the IUPAP-TIFR Homi Bhabha Medal and Prize 2017.
This prize is awarded for distinguished contributions in high energy cosmic ray physics and astro-particle physics.
You can read more here
57th Cherwell Simon Lecture 2017
Professor Dr Immanuel Bloch, Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching & Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich will deliver the 57th Cherwell-Simon Lecture.
This is a free event and the general public are welcome. Registration not required. The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception.
Title: Controlling and Exploring Quantum Matter Using Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices
Ms Olivia Hawkes
Condensed Matter Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU
T: (01865) 272225
2017 Physics Leavers Reception
2017 Leavers Reception - 19 May
This is the opportunity for Year 3 and Year 4 Leavers to enjoy an informal lunch and have a group photo taken.
This event is free and for Physics leavers only.
Leavers would have received an email with the password to be able to book.
To book, please fill in the form and bring the confirmation with you on the day.
The Sir Martin Wood Prize Lecture
The Sir Martin Wood Prize is awarded annually by the Millenium Science Forum to a young researcher from a Japanese University Research Institute who has performed outstanding research in the area of condensed matter science. The prize is named after Sir Martin Wood, Founder of Oxford Instruments. We are pleased to report that the 2016 prize-winner, Professor Akihito Ishizaki, from the Institute for Molecular Science Japan will deliver this year's lecture.
Ms Olivia Hawkes
Condensed Matter Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PU
T: 01865 27222
9 March 2017
Centre for Applied Superconductivity open for business
For an idea in physics to have real-world impact, you need an unbroken chain stretching from physics, through materials discovery and development, and right along to industry. Joining up these disparate areas in the field of superconductor research is the aim of a new Centre for Applied Superconductivity (CfAS), a collaborative effort between local industrial companies and Oxford University’s Departments of Materials and Physics.
2017 Physics Alumni Garden Party
2017 Physics Alumni Garden Party
Prof John Wheater, Head of the Department of Physics, is pleased to invite you to the '2017 Physics Alumni Garden Party'
Morning of Theoretical Physics: 'Ripples in spacetime: the discovery of gravitational waves'
Morning of Theoretical Physics 'Ripples in spacetime: the discovery of gravitational waves '
Prof James Binney FRS: From action at a distance to gravitational waves
Prof Subir Sarkar: The birth of gravitational wave astronomy
Prof John March-Russell: Exploring the very early universe with gravitational waves
More information, abstracts and how to book available here
The 14th Hintze Lecture
The 14th Hintze Lecture will be delivered by Professor Conny Aerts, Director, Institute of Astronomy KU Leuven.
This is a free event, general public welcome.
Leanne O'Donnell
01865 613 973
6 March 2017
Friday: Astor Visiting Lecture 2: Prof Howard Milchberg @ 15.30pm
Prof Howard Milchberg, University of Maryland
10 Mar: ‘Spatio-temporal Optical Vortices’
3.30pm in the Martin Wood Lecture Theatre