
Department of Physics, Oxford 01-02 July 2013

Mon July 1

10.00 Watson: RAVE's final year
10.20 Steinmetz: where we stand
10.45 Kordopatis/Gilmore: overview of DR4 parameters
11.10 Binney: overview of distance estimates

11.35 Coffee

12.00 Boeche: overview of chemical information
12.20 Zwitter: Handling degeneracies in stellar parameters
12.35 Anguiano: Testing RAVE stellar parameters with nearby Galactic Globular Clusters

12.50 Lunch

13.40 Piffl: RAVE's selection function
14.05 Bland-Hawthorn: RAVE & the Besancon model
14.30 Magorrian: From star counts to stellar densities
14.55 Bienayme: Kz from RAVE data

15.20 Tea

16.00 Our plans for exploitating the data (Steinmetz moderating)

17.00 DMG meeting

19.00 for 19.30 dinner

Tue July 2

09.00 Just: Impact of abundance gradients on models of the extended solar nhd
09.25 Gilmore: Re-calibrating the metal-rich end of the MDF
09.50 Brauer: Chemo-dynamical comparison of SEGUE and RAVE
10.15 Sanders: Modelling RAVE with Extended DFs
10.40 Kordopatis: The metal-weak tail of the thick disc

11.00 Coffee

11.30 McMillan: The Galaxy's potential from RAVE data
11.55 Monari: The impact of the bar on RAVE from 3d test-particle simulations
12.20 Minchev: A new chemo-kinematic relation in RAVE giants

12.45 Lunch

13.45 Conrad: Open clusters in RAVE
14.10 Zerjal: Chromosphericall active RAVE stars
14.30 Kos: 8620 DIB in RAVE spectra & 3d distribution of its carriers
14.50 Freeman: What's done and what's not yet done

Poster: Kohei Hattori