H drive

Short description: 
How to access files on the physics shared storage systems from outside the department

When outside Physics you can access any of the files in your home directory using SFTP/SCP.

The SFTP protocol provides similar functionality to FTP but is secure as information is encrypted. SCP is a secure copy protocol and has a command line syntax similar to `copy` commands. The services are accessed via the Windows front end server (winssh1) e.g. from a command line prompt on Linux (or any other OS with command line clients)

Categories: H drive | Linux | Remote Access | Unix | home directories

Short description: 
Access to Windows H drive from the Linux GUI

General share information (1)

Each of the techniques below requires a server and share combination to be selected and, for the methods marked INTERNAL, your computer must either be located inside the physics network or connected over the physics VPN.

Note that all of these methods are useful as a way to copy and view files on the network shares but should not be relied upon for long running processes.

Categories: H drive | KDE | Linux | Remote Access | Scientific Linux | central linux | external | home directories | home directory | nautilus | ppunix | sshfs | ubuntu | windows share | winfe | winssh