
Short description: 
How to access files on the physics shared storage systems from outside the department

When outside Physics you can access any of the files in your home directory using SFTP/SCP.

The SFTP protocol provides similar functionality to FTP but is secure as information is encrypted. SCP is a secure copy protocol and has a command line syntax similar to `copy` commands. The services are accessed via the Windows front end server (winssh1) e.g. from a command line prompt on Linux (or any other OS with command line clients)

Categories: H drive | Linux | Remote Access | Unix | home directories

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Mathematical computing environment

The information on this page is for internal use only in the Physics Department.

Mathematical computing environment

For complete information on MATLAB in Oxford University go to the University's Engineering MATLAB Web pages at .

The information provided here is intended to be for the use of anybody working in the Physics Department.

Categories: Licences | Linux | MATLAB | Self Service | Software | Windows

Short description: 
Access to Windows H drive from the Linux GUI

General share information (1)

Each of the techniques below requires a server and share combination to be selected and, for the methods marked INTERNAL, your computer must either be located inside the physics network or connected over the physics VPN.

Note that all of these methods are useful as a way to copy and view files on the network shares but should not be relied upon for long running processes.

Categories: H drive | KDE | Linux | Remote Access | Scientific Linux | central linux | external | home directories | home directory | nautilus | ppunix | sshfs | ubuntu | windows share | winfe | winssh

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How to use software available from the Particle Linux systems


Software on our cluster can come from many places.

Categories: Linux | Software | ppunix

Short description: 
How to activate software installed on networked locations

About this page

This page gives general instructions to access remotely installed software on Linux
Additional Ubuntu-specific instructions.
Additional Particle Linux instructions.

Categories: Linux | Software | central linux | ppunix

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Intel compiler set-up in AOPP

This is a general csh script for setting up Intel compilers in AOPP which may be added to log-in scripts, e.g. ~/.login . It tries to find the newest available compiler on the system. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please log in to www2.physics with the link at the bottom right of this page and leave a comment.

Categories: AOPP | Intel Compilers | Linux

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Windows on Linux

Find an equivalent in Linux

It may well be that the software you want to run has a Linux version, or that there is a program available for Linux that does the same thing. If you specify which functions you are interested in, we'll be best able to help you find it if so.

Categories: Linux | Virtual Machines | WINE | Windows

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Storing files on desktops in AOPP

User files stored on AOPP Ubuntu desktops may be put in three places. These are described in this article.

Categories: AOPP | Desktops | Linux

Short description: 
This page details how to connect to Physics_S using Ubuntu

- Select the network manager applet from the toolbar

- Edit connections --> wireless

- Fill in the details on the Wireless and Wireless security tabs as shown.

Categories: Laptops | Linux | Linux desktop | Network | Networking | Wireless

Short description: 
Running long jobs while away from your r Centrally Managed Ubuntu (or other Linux) desktop

Symptom: Access from your PC to any network disk will by default expire either after you log out or after a month of not using the computer while logged in, whichever is sooner.

Categories: Linux | central linux | kinit | krenew | linuxts | nfs | tplinux
