Remote Assistance - remote-support

When Physics IT support cannot physically access your system or when there is a quick fix you may be asked to run the `remote-support` application which allows us to connect to your system and fix issues remotely.

Managed Systems

For newer managed systems the rustdesk service is already installed and can be launched through your application menu by searching for "remote-support".

For older systems where this is not the case the application can be installed through self service.

Once the application is open you will be presented with an ID and a password. Communicate these to the member of Physics IT support assisting you and they will be able to remote connect to your machine.

You need to send both for every connection as the password will change each time for security

The rustdesk interface with the id and password shown

Unmanaged Systems

The remote-support application can be downloaded by clicking your operating system on the list below and should be installed, support staff can help walk you through this if required, but the setup is a simple one.

Once installed you will need to run the application and give Physics IT support the
identifier and password presented on screen.

Categories: Support