Email on Android phones

Please see

The following is very old content, from 2013.

The following instructions have been tested and have known to work on an HTC Desire running Android 2.2

  • Visit the settings interface (on the HTC Desire, it is listed as "Settings" under the applications listings)
  • Press "Accounts & sync"
  • Press "Add account" in the bottom right of the screen
  • Press "Exchange Activesync"
  • Type in your email address and password then press "Manual setup"
  • Fill in the details as follows
    • Server address:
    • Domain: [BLANK]
    • Username: where USERNAME is your physics username (e.g. causerc)
    • SSL connection: ticked
  • Press next. It will verify that the information you have supplied is correct
  • Press "Finish setup"

Categories: Email