Self Service

Short description: 
Scientific data analysis and visualisation.

Scientific data analysis and visualisation.

The information provided here is intended to be for use by anybody working in the Physics Department.

We have an unlimited site licence for QtiPlot on Mac and Linux.

Use Self Service to install software without privileges.

Categories: Apple | Licences | Linux | Mac | QtiPlot | Self Service | Software

Short description: 
Self service on Ubuntu systems

Linux software

Self service on Linux is not maintained or supported.

For managed desktops within the department, all of the software that is available under self service is also available pre-installed onto the network software areas and available through the module system. Please see here for details.

Categories: Self Service | central linux | ubuntu

Short description: 
Mathematical computing environment

The information on this page is for internal use only in the Physics Department.

Mathematical computing environment

For complete information on MATLAB in Oxford University go to the University's Engineering MATLAB Web pages at .

The information provided here is intended to be for the use of anybody working in the Physics Department.

Categories: Licences | Linux | MATLAB | Self Service | Software | Windows

Short description: 
LabVIEW components included in our site licence.

Physics no longer has a site license this is for information only.

In addition to the core software the following LabVIEW packages where included in our site licence.

Categories: LabVIEW | Licences | Linux | Self Service | Software | Windows

Short description: 
Self Service on Windows.

To run Self Service on a Windows system you may do the following (or similar, depending on the individual system's configuration):

Start -> All Programs/Apps -> Physics Self Service

Running Self Service will show the complete list of applications available.
The list below is only a selection.

Categories: Kits | Licences | Self Service | Software | Windows

Short description: 
Easy installation of software.

Self Service is a convenient way of installing software without requiring administrator access, without the need for any knowledge of kits or licences and without requiring any installation input from the user.

Platforms: Windows/Mac/Linux Self Service is available on Physics-managed Windows and Mac systems. It's not yet available on Linux systems.

Categories: Apple | Kits | Licences | Linux | Mac | Self Service | Software | Windows

Short description: 

Mathematica Site Licence is now administered by IT Services

Please go to the IT Services Self-registration web page to request an activation key and download the software.

Use Self Service to install software without privileges.

Categories: Licences | Linux | Mathematica | Self Service | Software | Windows

Short description: 
Vector graphics package.

Vector graphics package.

Use Self Service to install software without privileges.

CorelDRAW may only be used on Departmental systems and home systems of University staff.

A CorelDRAW licence is needed and requires authentication with your Physics-wide network account.

Platform: Windows

Categories: CorelDRAW | Licences | Self Service | Software | Windows

Short description: 
Bibliographic package

Bibliographic package

Use Self Service to install software without privileges.

EndNote may be used on any University-owned system by staff, students or collaborators. Use on personal systems requires a separate licence.

An EndNote licence is needed and requires authentication with your Physics-wide network account.

Categories: EndNote | Licences | Self Service | Software

Short description: 
Graphing and data analysis software for scientists and engineers.

The information on this page is for internal use only in the Physics Department.

Graphing and data analysis software for scientists and engineers.

Use Self Service to install software without privileges.

You may obtain Origin kits from \\\OxKits_Origin\ on the Physics Network System.

Categories: Kits | Licences | Origin | Self Service | Software | Windows
